Friday, April 29, 2016

Battling Codependency

Battling Codependency is republished from Providence Women’s Recovery Services

Fighting For Your Identity

[thrive_drop_caps color=‘blue’ style='1’]F[/thrive_drop_caps]or those who’ve struggled with addiction in their own life or in that of a loved one, they’ve witnessed the confusing and sometimes twisted family dynamics that develop. In the name of loving and caring is an underbelly or codependence, manipulation, and enabling that having run its course, produces nothing but pain and resentment… and maybe the worst, “what ifs.” 1200x628 In the book entitled, Beautiful Boy, author David Sheff speaks from the heart about the torture of living through “addiction hell” helping his son find recovery.
That book had struck a painful nerve in me, especially the twisted co-dependency that complicated an already complicated picture. Imagine: you’ve just had a stroke, and the one thought coursing through your mind is “How is my child? How is my child? How is my child?” That warped sense of priorities seems all too familiar to parents of addicts who often assume second position behind the incessant demands of their child’s substance chemical dependency.  More Here…  

Development of a Codependent

Understanding how codependency becomes a part of someone’s personality is highly related to patterns seen in their early development. Self-esteem blogger Savannah Grey explains well in her article Kicking Codependency to The Curb: As children codependents were powerless to change any of their circumstances. They had to sit idly by, unable to do anything significant to change their reality. Now as adults and faced with the same type of abuse the codependent will create elaborate plans to help and change their abuser. Their partner’s healing, changing, and morphing into their perfect prince or princess becomes their sole focus. This feels so natural to the codependent and so they wrap up all their hopes and dreams into another, only to become disappointed again and again, as an abuser’s natural tendency is to exploit and frustrate. Read More…

Video About What It’s Like to Be in Codependency

The speaker in this video is Darlene Lancer is a lawyer and author who struggled with a codependent mother. Her book “Codependency for Dummies” and “Conquering Shame and Codependency,” are both well received and easy to understand. She defines a person struggling with this as someone with a loss self, and can’t function within their innate self, and instead lives reactionary to another person, a substance, or a process.
If you can relate with the speaker or any other information on this page, here are some helpful tips to beating codependency, but as always it is not a bad idea to speak to a counselor or church leader to seek more personal advice or professional help.
  1. You get what you tolerate. As mentioned in a previous article (Malignant Niceness) codependents are the nicest people in the world. They are too nice. They will give a person so much rope that they end up hanging themselves with it. Growing up in horrific abuse and neglect we had no choice but to tolerate huge amounts of pain. We don’t have to do it now. I tell my students a quick way to judge if a relationship is worth keeping is after your time visiting is over ask yourself the question, “Did this person give me life or did they take it away?” Do I feel refreshed, built up, nurtured? Did we have fun? Even if I learned something negative about my character or behavior was the truth said in love? On the other hand, have I walked away frustrated, misunderstood, angry, drained? That is a good sign that a continued relationship is not life enhancing, and you need to walk or run away right now.
  2. You don’t reward bad behavior. Using, abusing people are master manipulators. They lie. They can pour on the drama thick as molasses. If you don’t come back to them they will kill themselves. If you don’t give them money then DP&L is going to come and turn off the heat, and their baby will die. If you don’t cheer them up they will never stop being depressed. I am not talking here about charity. We need to help the unfortunate with our time, love, and resources. This is a different group. These are people who will keep coming back to the well, your well, until you have nothing left to give. Then they will move on to the next person. I find this one the hardest of the three for codependents to do because they are so compassionate, don’t want to see anyone suffer, and have been groomed to be professional rescuers since day 1 on earth.
  3. You deserve good treatment. Codependents know how to give. They have given to everyone, all the time, for years. Sadly they don’t know how to receive because no one has given them much. It isn’t even on their radar that they should expect to be treated with dignity, respect, and care. You are a valuable human being. God doesn’t make junk. Don’t let anyone treat you as anything less than someone worthy of kindness. Read More About these Tips Here…
  Related Articles: Biblical Answers for Codependency Without Codependency Recovery Our Past Continues to Control Us Understanding Codependency, Updated and Expanded: The Science Behind It and How to Break the Cycle

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Pillars of Spiritual Healing: The Power of God and Addictions Part 2

Pillars of Spiritual Healing: The Power of God and Addictions Part 2 was created to

You need to enter the realm of spiritual war, because unless you fight spiritually, you cannot win. Pillars-of-Spiritual-Healing-2 [one_half_first]You need to recall the introductory circle.  Think about the pollution.[/one_half_first][one_half_last]inside-circle[/one_half_last] At first, you did not know the pollution came from Satan. [thrive_text_block color=“orange” headline=“This is Bible Spiritual History”] God wrote the Bible to remove the veil of ignorance from your eyes. It is the book of instructions for life. Second, God did not give the indictment of shame. Adam replied, “I was afraid ,because I was naked…I hid.” God never said, “shame on you Adam…look at you naked and all.” Adam imposed the shame on himself. Third, and most important, God in His love knew his most precious creation, created above the angels was in trouble. Lovingly he provided the most absolute and perfect solution. Indeed, in Genesis 3:15 God addresses the snake. God let the snake know He will put enmity between the snake and the woman. In this God is speaking of the coming Messiah, Christ, the Savior of the World. [/thrive_text_block]

Back to Balance - Providence Women’s Recovery

It is important that you grasp the significance of this provision. A man needs a way back to the balance provided in the Garden before the spiritual and catastrophic actions of Satan. God provided one way to restore this balance. He gave mankind the Lord Jesus. Recall the feelings of shame, resentment, anxiety, and anguish we spoke of at the beginning. There is no human way possible to remove them from your being. You do not have the power. No doctor has the power. No minister has the power. No one in the human realm has the power. This is so, because the creator of the havoc is Satan, the most powerful angelic creature created by God. Only Christ has the power to remove the negative emotions from our beings. He is the only one capable of defeating Satan in your behalf. He is all Power. However, there are conditions one must fulfill.
  1. First you must surrender to Christ.
  2. Second, you must follow the most important command given to us in Matthew 22:37, “Love The Lord your God with all soul and all of your mind.
To surrender is an oath to the King willing to die for you. The oath has the power to remove the negative emotions placed upon your life by a potent adversary. The second, the command to love God fully restores your life to the Kingdom of Heaven in perfect harmony with a God, rebuilding the Trust in Him, freeing you from the shame and other negative emotions in your life. [thrive_custom_box title=“Get back to the circle. Pray to receive the King.” style=“dark” type=“image” image=“” full_height=0]girls-in-circle [/thrive_custom_box] Love the Lord as commanded. Worship Him for your deliverance. Let His love submerge you in His Grace. Appropriate His Love and accept the liberation from the negative feelings. Breathe and look around your circle. Though there is still some pollution left, it has lessened. This is a victory to your name, a supreme gift from God. Do not sit still. Inhale goodness, open up your Bible and not just read, but also study the Word of God. Get ready to re-shape your feelings towards yourself, under the power of His grace. You must learn to love yourself. Until next week, I am leaving you with a gift. These are just simple verses. Memorize them and keep them in your mind and soul. Whenever you sense the enemy is near, recite them. The enemy will flee as soon as you speak the wisdom of God. [thrive_highlight highlight=‘default’ text='light’] Your Task: Memorize [/thrive_highlight] [thrive_text_block color=“orange” headline=“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.  Acts 3:19”] “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. Ephesians 1:7 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a]the old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17 [/thrive_text_block] Serving Christ and others, Candelaria at

Monday, February 29, 2016

CARA – Stop Tolerating The Addiction Crisis – We Can do More

The post CARA – Stop Tolerating The Addiction Crisis – We Can do More Enjoy more on: Providence Women’s Recovery

If you care deeply about addiction, recovery, and helping curtail the tragic overdose deaths of 140 Americans a day, then today is a very important day for you because today is “National Call in Day” in support of CARA.

So what exactly is the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) and how will it help?

white house seal In a White House press release from February 13, 2015, they propose that CARA is much larger than its individual pieces. They believe that this bill is the “realization of a movement”. The bill will:
  • Expand prevention and educational efforts—particularly aimed at teens, parents and other caretakers, and aging populations—to prevent the abuse of opioids and heroin and to promote treatment and recovery.
  • Expand the availability of naloxone to law enforcement agencies and other first responders to help in the reversal of overdoses to save lives.
  • Expand resources to identify and treat incarcerated individuals suffering from addiction disorders promptly by collaborating with criminal justice stakeholders and by providing evidence-based treatment.
  • Expand disposal sites for unwanted prescription medications to keep them out of the hands of our children and adolescents.
  • Launch an evidence-based opioid and heroin treatment and interventions program. While we have medications that can help treat addiction, there is a critical need to get the training and resources necessary to expand treatment best practices throughout the country.
  • Strengthen prescription drug monitoring programs to help states monitor and track prescription drug diversion and to help at-risk individuals access services.
  • The legislation is supported by the National District Attorneys Association, the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD), Faces and Voices of Recovery, the National Council for Behavioral Health, and the Major County Sheriffs’ Association, among others. Read more…

How You Can Voice Your Approval of this Powerful Legislation

winning-war-on-addiction The answer to that is very simple. You simply need to contact your State senator and inform them of your knowledge and support of the bill. You also want to mention that you are requesting that your senator vote in favor of this important legislation., a website dedicated to reducing substance abuse among adolescents, has created the following scripts that you can use when contacting your senator. Send or relay this message via form fill or phone call.
Script 1: CARA provides important tools to law enforcement in the fight against heroin and opiate addiction. It would provide opportunities for programs other than incarceration for individuals convicted of drug use, provide training for and increase availability of naloxone, a life-saving overdose combating drug, and would expand the federal drug take-back program. These are crucial steps to controlling this epidemic and would benefit every state in the nation, including [STATE]. Please have Senator/Representative XXXX vote for this important legislation.” Script 2: CARA provides important tools for treatment and recovery in the fight against heroin and opiate addiction. It would provide funds for an evidence-based opioid and heroin treatment and intervention demonstration, authorize the creation of a national youth recovery initiative, and provide funds to non-profits in order to create communities of recovery. These are crucial steps to controlling this epidemic and would benefit every state in the nation, including [STATE]. Please have Senator/Representative XXXX vote for this important legislation. For more CARA related information, visit

Contacting Your State Senator

usa senate badgeThe easiest fastest way to contact your senator is to email or call them. We have included the following resource so that you may quickly find and contact your State Senator. For our readers located near us, we have included Georgia and Tennessee contact information: Isakson, Johnny - (R - GA) Class III 131 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 (202) 224-3643 Contact: Perdue, David - (R - GA) Class II 383 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 (202) 224-3521 Contact: Alexander, Lamar - (R - TN) Class II 455 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 (202) 224-4944 Form Contact: Corker, Bob - (R - TN) Class I 425 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 (202) 224-3344 Contact: Need to find the State Senators from another state? Please use the following link to access the rest of the Senators.  
In Summary
CARA is a great indicator of the changing climate regarding the perception of addiction, treatment, and post drug-related incarceration opportunities. It stands as proof that the war against drugs (as previously defined) has failed, and that the real war is against addiction. A war against addiction however, is full of hope rather then condemnation. Love rather then disdain. Agree to disagree? Leave a comment and voice your opinion. Related articles: Why Is The Comprehensive Addiction & Recovery Act So Important? Ask Your Senator or Representative to Support the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) of 2015

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What Should I Bring To A Drug Rehab Center?

The decision to seek help to combat addiction will be one of the most important ones you’ll ever make. While many drug rehab centers provide amenities, it is beneficial to prepare items from home to ease the transition. Whether your treatment will last one week, or several months, there are many items to consider packing. Increasing your comfort and quality of life in a rehab center ensures that you can stay focused on your recovery, rather than on feeling out-of-place.

Clothing And Shoes
When preparing your suitcase, make sure to pack enough clothing for the duration of your stay. It is important to choose outfits that make you feel relaxed and at ease. Your success rate will increase if you feel at home in your rehab center. Consider comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing while packing. Keep these items in mind to cover your bases:
  • Gather at least seven outfits (including undergarments) that can be layered and one cardigan or pullover sweatshirt.
  • Include at least three sets of pajamas, a robe, and a pair of house slippers for indoors.
  • Select appropriate footwear based on the activities planned for your stay. Tennis shoes are suitable for moderate activity and a casual pair of slip-on shoes would be best suited for everyday wear.
Feeling your best will aid in recovery while feeling depressed about poor style or feeling too cold or hot will only distract you.

Most rehab centers will provide you with basic toiletries, such as toilet paper, soap, and shampoo. But they won’t provide you with more personal items. Hygiene products that are used daily should be brought along. If you have a product preference, it is best to bring these items from home. Remember to pack the basics, such as:
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss
  • Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash
  • Razors, shaving cream, lotion, and nail clippers
  • Styling product, comb, cosmetics, and deodorant
  • Feminine products
  • Over-the-counter and prescription medications
Self-care is important on the road to recovery. Hygiene will not only make you feel healthier, but help boost your confidence while you are working on yourself and regaining the sober lifestyle you deserve.

Feeling comfortable and at-ease in your environment will make the situation easier to handle. So consider bringing personal items, such as photos or books. While most programs are guided with an itinerary, you will have downtime for writing, reading, or even learning a new skill.
Beyond personal items, you should also make sure to bring essential items that will help make your stay more comfortable. Some essential items include:
  • ID, insurance cards, and paperwork
  • Cash for vending machines and store runs
  • Telephone list
  • Mp3 player and magazines
  • Sketch pad, diary, and photo album
If you are artistically gifted, it may bring satisfaction to create something while in recovery. Adult coloring books are known for having meditative properties. Crossword, Sudoku, Tetris, and word puzzles are challenging and may provide a lightweight distraction. Think of some activities that spark your interest and carry them along to stave off boredom.

Keep In Mind
Some facilities have regulations for items brought from home. Many rehab centers offer an online list or handbook to aid in preparation. When in doubt, ask a staff member for specific rules. Keep these points in mind while you prepare:
  • Few centers will allow mouthwash containing alcohol. Consider an alcohol-free alternative.
  • Nail polish, acetone, and other inhalants should be checked, as these can be abused.
  • Towels are often provided by the facility. While personal bedding may be preferred, be sure to check before bringing your own linens.
  • Some rehab centers have a strict cell phone policy. Others are more lenient and only only monitor your activity.
  • Cigarette smoking may be regulated or prohibited.
  • Leave valuable items at home, and only bring jewelry that will stay on your person. Necessary valuables should be secured with the front desk or a locker.

This post was originally published here: What Should I Bring To A Drug Rehab Center?
Related article: Addictive Families: The Rules